For the past three decades, Paul Downs Cabinetmakers has been at the forefront of American Craftsmanship and Innovation in the furniture manufacturing and design industries. This year marks the 30th anniversary of Paul Downs Cabinetmakers and we are ready to celebrate!
We couldn’t have done it without you! We sincerely appreciate your loyalty and support over the past three decades.
Flashback to 1986: Cable TV was still in its early years – the biggest shows on antenna-driven network TV were Cheers!, Miami Vice, and Murder She Wrote. Video Cassette Recorders (VCRs) were the newest and most advanced home entertainment devices. Telephone booths and rotary phones were still commonplace. Paul Downs was just starting out as a solo craftsman making residential furniture.
Fast-forward to 2016: Cable, satellite and subscription networks bring thousands of channels to our fingertips. Hit shows like The Walking Dead, House of Cards, and Game of Thrones can be bought on DVD and BluRay and seen in HD, 4K, OLED and HDR on giant screen TVs. Smartphones make it possible for us to talk, text, and video conference at any time – with anyone – anywhere in the world. Paul Downs Cabinetmakers occupies a 33,000 sq ft facility in Bridgeport, PA and occupies the top search on Google for Custom Conference Tables.
We’re constantly updating our capabilities in sales, marketing, design, and more to better serve your custom furniture needs. Watch this space to see our continuing dedication to American Craftsmanship and Innovation.
If you haven’t already, please look through our gallery of custom conference tables. You can choose any of these designs as a starting point for your project, or you can submit your own designs. For help designing your custom conference project, contact us today at 610-239-0142 or info@pauldowns.com.
Paul Downs Cabinetmakers
401 E. 4th St. Bridgeport, PA 19405