With videoconferencing more common than ever, a conference room table with power goes without saying. And we’re getting lots of requests for tables optimized for remote collaboration. Aside from incorporating power and data in the table, what can you do to enhance that experience? Choosing the right shape and adding branding are two solutions you can’t get out of a catalog. Here’s more on our custom solutions for a video conference table:

The 4 Best Video Conference Table Shapes
Videoconferencing only works when everyone in the room can see the screen, and be seen by the cameras. We’ve found that these four shapes work best. Boat shaped tables are the most popular table shape we make. Boat tables can be outfitted with screens for each user, which allows for both videoconferencing and regular meetings. The keystone shape – wide on the video end –allows for great sight lines both at the screen and from the camera, while still efficiently seating lots of people. U-shaped and V-shaped tables offer unmatched sight lines, but seat fewer people in a given space.

Reinforce Brand Values with a Logo
Dazzle your viewers by adding a logo to your table. After multiple meetings, it can be easy to forget who is on the other end of the video link. Make sure they know who they’re talking by displaying your branding front and center.
There are many ways to add branding to your table beyond a logo as well. We can create patterns, include phrasing, or think outside the box and have your branding take on the whole table shape.
Learn more about our logo process: The Ultimate Way To Customize
Maximize the Efficiency of Your Space
Make your teleconferencing space more flexible – and therefore more valuable – by using reconfigurable modular tables. You can turn your conference room into a great huddle space, training room, and so much more. You can routinely change the space to fit your current needs without sacrificing the ability to teleconference.
Read more about reconfigurable tables: A Guide to Modular Tables
The Paul Downs Difference
No mass-produced, cookie-cutter tables here. When it comes to custom conference room tables, Paul Downs is the pinnacle of craftsmanship. We design truly unique meeting and boardroom tables that are hand-crafted to your specifications, from power and data hatches right down to the grain of the wood we use. If you need a conference room table for your business, organization, or school, we’re just a click or call away. Someone from our team will be happy to answer any questions you may have.