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A Spectacular Conference Table Logo | Paul Downs Cabinetmakers

A Spectacular Conference Table Logo

When it comes to custom conference tables, many companies opt to include a logo, company name, or other design on their table.  Some of them are truly spectacular:

Inlaid Marquetry Logo

Finding the right color wood to make a logo look great can sometimes be a challenge, but this time everything worked perfectly.  The letters and other black elements are done with a black-dyed limba veneer.  The blue and white are pressure dyed anegre.  The sky around the bear is done in quilted maple, and the entire logo is set into a panel of curly cherry.

Getting the right proportion for a logo involves some careful judgment. Once we decide where on the table the design will go, our engineers carefully measure out the size of the area as well as the dimensions for the graphic. After that, we use our laser cutter to cut out the pieces of wood that will be incorporated into the table.

The Tundra Tours logo goes into 2 of the three tables in a modular set.  The other table has a power/data hatch in the center.  Here are the three together:



We can create inlays from a wide variety of wood types, including cherry, maple, ebony, bubinga, mahogany, oak, anegre, rosewood, and many others. When it comes to inlays, we can use even more materials like granite, leather, aluminum, and so much more to give the table even more distinctiveness.

If you’re not sure whether your logo will work, call us!


If you haven’t already, please look through our gallery of custom conference tables. You can choose any of these designs as a starting point for your project, or you can submit your own designs. For help designing your custom conference project, contact us today at 610-239-0142 or