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Just for Fun Category | Paul Downs Cabinetmakers

Paul Downs Custom Conference Tables – Vintage Blog

For many years, Paul wrote a blog for the New York Times about business life. Those postings eventually became the book, Boss Life: Surviving My Own Small Business. Paul’s book, Boss Life, is available now at your favorite bookstores and on  A Business Owner Goes Back to School By PAUL DOWNS JANUARY 15, 2013...

Found Blog: A Letter from an 18th Century Cabinetmaker

Oftentimes when reading history, we can come to value the present. Last week, we came across this blog on Lost Art Press and were fascinated by the amazing work, highlighted by the photos in the article, but also the secrecy, mystery, and history told in the letter left behind. It is the short story of...

Sex on a Conference Table?

We received an email from a customer this morning: [box title=”” style=”1″] Look this is an awkward subject to bring up but I think it needs to be addressed. We have a situation where 2 employees were “cavorting” on the old conference table. This one you have made is the replacement. According to your care...